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"An Exercise in Languor" is a captivating compilation of stories and poetry that intricately explores themes of love, inspiration, and loneliness. These narratives and verses provide a profound glimpse into the human experience, revealing the intricate complexities of the heart and the resilience of the soul.


Within its pages, intimate portrayals of love in its various forms unfold, capturing the euphoria of new connections and the poignant ache of separation. These pieces offer a glimpse into the concealed secrets and desires residing within us all. It's a an exploration of the creative mind that continues to resonate long after the final page is turned.


“Wherever you are, I hope this book finds you well. And that somewhere in it’s pages you find a common something in the unnamable somethings, that makes you feel seen. You’re not alone.”

An Exercise in Languor

SKU: 364215376135191
  • 5.83 x 8.27 inches

  • 30 Days returns policy; applies to cases of goods damaged on arrival.

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