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Stills and Excerpts from my 2021 Award-Winning, Graduate Film, Languor

Written/ Directed by Lisa McDonald. 

Below: 2022, Trailer

Languor follows the footsteps of a faceless creature as it falls through our consciousness. Moving through four levels of an internal reality: The Day, The Night, The Mire and The Nothing. This film intends to adapt the unseen, giving bones to the sensation of detaching within oneself.

This film was made entirely throughout the Covid lockdowns of 2020-2021. Materials and studio space were either extremely hard to come by, if not out of the picture altogether. As a result, this film was made in a small, student bedroom just outside of Dun Laoghaire, using found materials and repurposed equipment. Countless hours were spent on the project but I was determined that my lack of resources would not stop me from delivering Languor to the quality it deserved. As such, I feel the making of is worthy of just as much recognition as the film itself.

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